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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Double-Rub upholstery fabrics


For designers, it's called abrasion data. It is extremely important when you are selecting your fabric for upholstered pieces that are going to be subjected to high traffic (ie. the family room).
What it means is quite simple - double-rub is a testing method that uses a special machine that passes a testing pad back and forth over the fabric until it is worn out. Each back-and-forth pass is known as a double-rub. Domestic fabrics are usually rated at 25,000 double-rubs, so if you are purchasing one that is over 50,000 - you are good to go! Commercial-grade fabrics usually wear out after 100,000 to 250,000 double-rubs. You can't visually tell how well fabric will hold up until it has been tested.


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